Knoxville Community Darkroom Hazards

Protect Yourself and Your Prints

-       Wear gloves or use tongs when processing. Only use your bare hands to remove prints from the water or wash your prints. Even though we use eco-friendly developers, we do not suggest allowing them to absorb into your skin for long periods of time.

-       When you are done, whether you’ve used tongs or gloves, please wash your hands before eating, drinking or smoking.

-       There are small wash clothes provided, please dry your hands frequently to cut down chemical contamination. Leave used clothes in the hamper by the door.

-       Clean up spills immediately with lots of cold water and ensure all the chemicals are removed from the floor or table. Chemistry dries, turns into a powder and can then get on your clothing, skin or be inhaled.

-       Please no food or snacks in the Darkroom. Water with a lid is permitted, but please avoid drinks that would be sticky if spilled.

Be Safe

-       Most B&W chemicals are non-toxic or only slightly toxic, but please do not ingest, inhale or allow them to come in direct contact with your bare skin.

-       There is a slight chance of bronchitis, sinusitis, allergic sensitivity, skin rashes and other potential damage (primarily that occurs from long-term, unsafe exposure), so please follow KCD rules for handling chemistry in the Darkroom.

-       If you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or taking any lithium carbonate based medication that you have your Doctor’s approval to work with B&W chemistry. If you notice any sensitivity or change in your health while working in the Darkroom, please immediately consult your physician.

In the Event of an Emergency

-       Inhalation of Chemistry: Move to fresh air immediately. If you are struggling to breathe, call 911. We are located at 5117 Homberg Drive, Knoxville, TN 37919.

-       Ingestion of Chemistry: Call poison control at 1-800-222-1222 and tell them what the person ingested and follow their directions to help the person. If more information is needed for poison control, check the MSDS (Materials Data Sheets) for all the chemicals we use in the Darkroom. DO NOT induce vomiting unless poison control tells you to do so, and DO NOT give liquids to a person that is unconscious.

-       Chemicals Splashed in Eyes: Immediately flood the eyes with cold water at the white utility sink. Rinse them for 15 minutes. Seek immediate medical attention.

-       Chemicals Splashed on Skin: Immediately flood skin with cold water at the white utility sink. Seek immediate medical attention if any severe change in skin condition occurs.

Chemistry Hazards

-       Black & White Developer: Can cause allergic reaction and allergic sensitivity, and is especially hazardous during stock mixing stage. Use gloves when mixing working solutions and avoid skin contact with both powder and solution.

-       Stop Bath: Concentrate is toxic via skin contact, inhalation or ingestion. Long-term, improper, inhalation of working solution can cause severe sinusitis and bronchitis. Always measure water first and then add acid. If you splash in your eyes or skin, follow the procedures above.

-       Fixer: Not significantly hazardous, but there is a chance for skin irritation and allergies. If you splash in your eyes or skin, follow the procedures above.

-       Toners: We do not provide toners for use in the Darkroom. Some are highly toxic and some are only mildly toxic. If you are using a toner, never mix it with stop bath or fixers due to the potential release of poisonous gas like hydrogen sulfide. Always wash prints very thoroughly before toning them.